Quality Assurance

We are committed to providing person centred driven outstanding care.

In order to do this, we need to continually evaluate our standards, gathering information from many sources, and provide a feedback that allows suggestions and developments to occur. We appreciate that in order to improve quality, we need to listen, learn and respond.

Below is details of our most recent service questionnaire results relating to March 2022.

Friends, Relatives and Advocates Survey Form

Return rate – Forms sent out 11 Forms returned 3






Comments –

‘I don’t think Segal Gardens could have done any better they have worked to hard to keep everyone staff and clients.

‘During the pandemic they have been brilliant’

‘I have no concerns at all, it is a very well run care home the management and staff are very polite and caring. Through the pandemic they have kept clients safe which has been very hard they all deserve 100 per cent praise 👏.’

Staff Survey

Return rate – Forms sent out 9 Forms returned 4






Comments –

Staff and Management have worked together to make this journey, comfortable,stress free, and with the utmost care, stability to residents welfare, with 3 x tests through the week. Also updating staff with information.

I believe that Segal Gardens is a nice place to work, as part of the health and social care industry. I believe the staff have a lot to offer when it comes to: support , knowledge of residents.

I feel during the Covid pandemic the managers have worked extremely hard to protect both staff and residents and the service as a whole. From changes to Rota with shorter working hours and more rest days, providing transport to and from work to keep us safe, ensuring we were all fed, regularly updating families and being available for staff anxieties around the virus offering guidance to us all and keeping the team positive these are just a few of the things from a very long list.
The managers are basically working 7 days a week ensuring everyone is safe.
They deserve recognition for everything they have done and are still doing today.
I would personally like to say a big THANK YOU

Managers Feedback

This has been a very challenging time over the past 2 years as we have faced events unrivaled to anything we have ever experienced. We have tackled situations and problems that in our 22 years of service left us feeling more vulnerable and isolated than ever before. This has been the same for many social care services. The pandemic has led us to work intensively, without adequate rest days or holidays as we did all we could to be a management team that is visual, involved and very aware of the demands our service, staff and residents were experiencing. This was our commitment.

The pandemic highlighted a need to think and act in a different way. Suddenly our biggest day to day hurdle was Covid welfare. But more than this we fought for our residents’ rights as they had seen their liberty and opportunities literally stripped away overnight. It was not considered in government guidance that our residents were younger adults and some with full capacity and awareness into the pandemic and the measures to protect themselves. But, the guidance on residential care did not differentiate and implied that despite our residents being of a working age, lower risk range,  fully compliant with all requirements of the welfare protocol and capacity into the pandemic that they could no longer have the opportunities that most of society were still allowed to have a degree of access to. Then, we learned that the vaccine would not be available for our residents or staff as it was a deemed a lowered risk due to their age range. We fought this and challenged this with necessary agencies and directly with central government that this was a selective discrimination. It was a wonderful day when we learned that we would be permitted to have the vaccine. We have had the wonderful support of our local authority and they have made a massive difference.

The support of our staff has been unmeasured. It has taken a level of commitment beyond anything seem before as they have shown flexibility, commitment and sacrifice on every level. This has been a very hard time for them all and we have lost staff during the two years as the situation grew in intensity. Our staff turnover has been the highest during the pandemic than ever before but that is understandable and indeed the same across many social care areas. But we have staff that just astound us everyday in their attitude and complete obligation to their role and more importantly our residents. It is true that Segal Gardens is nothing without the staff team and this includes past, present and indeed the future. The feedback and comments from staff are so important to us and the accolade they give is deeply appreciated.

Over the past two years we have looked for new ways to work with families and ensure that they have up to date information and feel just as important as they always were in their loved ones welfare needs. We introduced a ‘family forum’ which is a zoom call with management but also other families. This is a wonderful experience and gives families a way to get to know one another never seen before. In addition to this we have assigned a page on our website to family that is password encrypted and shares information. It also has a direct communication link so families can easily message or chat with us.

Social restrictions have been part of the pandemic for us all. It was necessary and justified in navigating the risks and welfare. During this time, we have promoted onsite events for residents and staff to have fun, engagement and diversion from the day-to-day pandemic. We have enjoyed Wimbledon, Winter Olympics, Picnics, birthday events and many more. We have lots of photographs on the website so please take a peep. These events take a range of skills and commitment in promoting them, investing in them and ensuring that our residents and staff have shared opportunities and just simple fun. We have continued to work in a way that is service user led and this includes creating personal risk assessments to support extensive family contact and finding opportunities to maintain essential family time.

So, we just wanted to say thank you to our staff, families and most importantly our residents. As managers we honestly feel proud and humbled to have shared and contributed to the service and look forward to developing more wonderful moments, experiences as the future evolves.

Damian & Gillian March 2022

Theme: Overlay by Kaira
436 Fleet Lane, Parr, St Helens