Work Placed Pensions

We have completed the annual governance meeting around your workplace pension scheme and agreed the terms and conditions for the next three years

We have a new client manager this year as Howard has retired. Steve Pemberton will be our nominated person at Corinthian and he would like to have more contact directly with you, as individuals, to look at how we can best manage your personal pension

He is available and happy to meet with you and this is a service we have purchased to support you and hope that you will use it to good effect.

Please read the information we have made available around your workplace pension and watch the short video to show you how to save money each month within your monthly contributions without losing any of your pension rights. This is known as salary exchange.

Please look into this as well and take the time offered to meet with Steve who will support you to do this.

For staff who are now over 50 years of age ,firstly congratulations you made it and secondly there are other areas of pension advice that we would suggest you access with Steve  to allow you to understand and improve your pension progress over the final years of your work life

The benefits of a Salary Exchange


Theme: Overlay by Kaira
436 Fleet Lane, Parr, St Helens